Monday, April 6, 2009

"Online university founders: University of Illinois' Global Campus face uncertain future"

This article, written by Jodi S. Cohen is a very informational story concerning University of Illinois' Global Campus online course program.  The story details how the program has failed to meet expectations and as a result may be forced to shut down.  Cohen quotes many official sources involved in the program at different levels.  There is a fair amount of balance in that several sources advocate for the program to be closed, while others argue for it to be salvaged.  Cohen presents the information in a very matter of fact way, and the quotes she has selected help make the information easier to take in while reading the article.  The story discusses how $10 million have already been invested in the program, and how that effects people's decisions on where to go from here concerning the program's future.  The lead captures the true newsworthiness of the story and sets the tone for the informative piece.  The only issue I have with this story is that only one student who is involved in the Global Campus program is quoted, and it is only once at the very end of the piece.  Hearing more from those directly effected by the decision would be a nice addition to this story.